The industrial designer's Guide to Sketching



The industrial designer's Guide to Sketching


In recent years, there has been a rapid growth of interest in the establishment of hybrid educational programs which merge design and engineering. Due to the condensed and multidisciplinary nature of this type of education, instruction in studio-based drawing must be intensified and communicated more efficiently. Two additional factors have redefined the need for conventional drawing skills as well: the domination of CAD-rendered drawings for detailed product depiction and the increased focus on product development collaboration. New textbooks which target communication and visual thinking through industrial design drawing have been hard to find until now. Nenad Pavels book assumes that a student has prior knowledge of the basics of form, perspective and shading. He presents a toolbox of techniques and instructions for how industrial designers can improve their hand-sketched visual communication. He also addresses diverse issues which a designer often confronts: product conception, aesthetics, construction, form and interface. The clear, practical and illustrative approach makes the authors points easy to implement in a short amount of time. This insures that it will be of interest to many related disciplines, including architecture and engineering, as well as being appropriate for the general public with an interest in skill-based design drawing.


Pavel, N.



Cobertura Espacial



Tapir Academic Presss

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